I decided to go with Arctic Tern Windows. These are double pane windows acrylic awning windows that are lightweight. They come with a interior cover panel that provides a insect screen or black out shade. For the record I purchased them from Campervan HQ The first step was to make some templates. I used Ram Board that I had purchased at the local home depot. At first I thought that I would just trace the window or internal ring. But in both cases the angle prevented you from getting an accurate trace. So I ended up just using the dimensions sheet that I found on the Tern Overland website. Since the windows are metric, I found using the mm dimension sheet the easiest. Just draw out the dimensions on the ram board, they also give you the radius dimensions for the corners.

Next I figure out the actual location, I mean i had a idea, but that doesn't mean it will fit there. You need to account both on the outside, and inside which will be larger because of window screens. Also, you need to check clearance from the sliding door.

Before committing to final location I drill a pilot hole, then go inside and check location and adjust accordingly

I masked the area for cutting and used the template to draw the outline of the window. Now is the time to take a deep breath and commit to the jig saw. The next thing you know there is a window installed. I know i skipped a lot of cutting, grinding and such, but I wasn't in the picture taking mood at the time.

You have to build a frame for the window flange to sit on. I built mine out of expanded PVC panels. They are sized for the window wall thickness you ordered . The inner frame ring is attached to the window. Care should be made not to over tighten the window, and it is wise to use a drop of blue thread locker.

Here is a shot of the combined screen/shade unit.

Screen mode with window open

and the blackout shade on the inside.

The black out shade from the outside. You can decide if you want the shade to come up from the bottom, or down from the top. The last shot is in half & half mode.

The 550 x 900 mm gives the driver good access to the passenger side blind spot. If you are comfortable with a jig saw this is not terribly difficult. It does take a lot of measuring and checking, as you only get once.
