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Cerbo GX updated GUI implemented in Transit Status Program

I finally got around to updating my Cerbo GX to 3.50 firmware. I was primarily holding off because everything was working well, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to go with the New V@-Gui. I was a big GuiMods user, and that would no longer be needed with the V2-Gui. One of the big improvements of the new GUI is that when you do remote access you end up seeing the same screen that you see on the monitor. Previously you had the same screen but with a side panel for navigating.


This worked Ok, but now you get to see just the Gui.

We also have the brief screen

While I was starting to like the look of the new Gui, I decided that I could use this in my Transit Status program. The main screen is really a rearview camera with some accessible data. One of the issues I have with that is at night the rearview camera can become whited out making it difficult to view the other dat. I was looking for a solution to turn it off for those times, but decided I would embed a browser in the program so I could access the V2-Gui locally.



After a quick change to implement that I liked the results and made a few color changes to match the V2-Gui.

I now have access to the Cerbo GX screen from the driver’s seat.


And of course it still can show me the rearview camera (or any of the other three)

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