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Finishing up the cabinets


The remaining cabinetry would be the top cabinets, and then of course a couple side cabinets to cover water tank or electrical and add some storage. This was the initial thought process that I drew up using Visio, I am not really a CAD person.

The upper cabinets were made with 80/20 series 10. They were made to attach to the side walls and roof struts of the van with Rivet nuts, in either existing holes or ones drilled specifically for that purpose. While I had a Astro Pneumatic Tool 1442 13" Hand Rivet Nut Setter Kit. I found the Astro Pneumatic Tool ADN38 XL Rivet Nut Drill Adapter Kit - 3/8" Capacity was easier on my shoulder.

I used ½ “maple Face frame for the front of the overheads, The bottoms were fill with 1” xps foam and then skinned with 1/8 in plywood, on both top and bottom. These were held in place using joint connector bolts. The cabinet with the Microwave, had an addition 80/20 frame Built just to hold the microwave. Not sure what I did with the pictures from this phase.

Here you can see the driver side cabinetry.

I then made a face frame to go from the floor to the bottom of the of the overhead. The Fresh water cabinet was also framed in with 80/20. Here is a shot looking in from the back.

Now it was time to start making doors for the cabinets and complete some of the finish work. I decided to make some 3/8 inset rail and style doors. The rails and styles would be out of maple and the panel would be white painted plywood. I am using a shaker rail and stile bit. After ripping the maple, I move to router table to route out the stiles. After that I cut them to length and get out my coping sled to aid in routing out the stiles.

I paint the doors panels white and give the interior stiles a coat of lacquer. After they dry I insert space balls in the stiles to keep the panel tight after glue up.

After that we move to the glue up stage. When dry we move to final sanding and again use the router the 3/8 inset. A couple of coats of lacquer and we can start installing the doors.

The driver side and passenger side cabinets.

I found these LC LICTOP 6 Pcs Soft Close Lid Support 80N Hydraulic Gas Spring Cabinet Door Safety Lift Support (Black) on Amazon.

For the latch, the wife voted for the push the button and pull, versus push the button, turn and pull. So, I used these Cabinet Push Knob Latch that I found at Wilderness Vans.

I also made some panels to cover the back of the cabinets. Specifically, on the driver side I needed to cover the main harness. I made up some dividers using the same 1” XPS foam board I had left over. I skinned it with 1/8” plywood on both sides.

And of course some time to dry


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